Recent Papers (Selection)
Papers in Journals
“The Dynamics of Institution Building: State Aids, the European Commission, and the Court of Justice of the European Union”, (with Amanda M. Alves and Timothy Yu-Cheong Yeung) Journal of Comparative Economics, 49, March 2021, pp. 836-859 ; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jce.2021.02.001
“Competing for policy: Lobbying in the EU wholesale roaming regulation”, (wih Amanda M. Alves, Nada Mimouni, & Timothy Yu-Cheong Yeung), Telecommunications Policy, 45:3, April, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.telpol.2020.102087.
“Why Are Modern Bureaucracies Special ? State Support to Private Firms in Early Eighteenth Century France” (with Jean Beuve and Jérôme Sgard), Journal of Economic History, Vol. 77, No. 4, December 2017, pp. 1144-1176
“Mercantilism and Bureaucratic Modernization in Early Eighteenth Century France”, (with Jean Beuve, and Jérôme Sgard), Economic History Review, 70:2, 2017, pp. 529–558)
“Checks and Balance Outside the Government”, (with Jérôme Sgard), 2016, Journal of Comparative Economics, 44 :2, May 2016, pp. 400–403
“Organizational Leadership and Collective Action in International Governance: An Introduction”, (with Aseem Prakash, Adrienne Héritier, Barbara Koremenos), Global Policy, vol. 6, issue 3, Sept 2015, pp. 234-236
“Delegation without borders: On individual rights, constitutions and the global order”, (with Jérôme Sgard and Yves Schemeil), Global Constitutionalism, vol. 1, N° 3, pp. 455 484, November 2012; https://doi.org/10.1017/S204538171200010X
“Internet Interacted: 1991-2003”, (with Veneta Andonova and Antonio P. Ladrón), Management Research, Vol. 9 No. 3, 2011, pp. 192-206
“Regulators as Reflexive Governance Platforms”, (with Jean-Michel Glachant) Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, Volume 12, No. 3, pp. 194-209, 2011
“Institutional Changes: Alternative Theories and Consequences for Institutional Design” (with Pierre Garrouste and Emmanuel Raynaud), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 79, pp. 3–19, 2011
““Climbing the Hierarchical Ladders of Rules”: A Life-cycle Theory of Institutional Evolution” (with Emmanuel Raynaud), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, , vol. 79, pp. 65–79, 2011
“Constitutions, States and Development” (with Yves Schemeil and Jérôme Sgard), Journal of Comparative Economics, , vol. 38, pp. 253-266,2010
“How To Design Institutional Frameworks for Markets: New Institutional Economics meet the needs of Industrial Organization” (with Antonio Nicita), Revue d'Economie Industrielle, N° 129-130, pp. 87-118, 2010
Symposia in Refereed Journals
Edition (with Jens Prüfer) of “European Integration, Institutions, and Development”, Journal of Comparative Economics, 2024 (forthcoming)
Edition (with Jérôme Sgard) of “Checks and Balance Outside the Government”, Journal of Comparative Economics, 2016, Volume 44, Issue 2, May 2016
Edition (with Aseem Prakash, Adrienne Héritier, Barbara Koremenos) of “Organizational Leadership and Collective Action in International Governance”, Global Policy, vol. 6, issue 3, Sept. 2015
Edition (with Jérôme Sgard) of “State and Market Regulation” International Review of Law and Economics, vol 42, June 2015
Edition (with Pierre Garrouste and Emmanuel Raynaud) of “The Dynamics of Institutions in Perspective”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (special issue), vol 79, Issues 1-2, June 2011
Edition (with Avner Greif) of “Dynamics of Institutions and Development”, Journal of Comparative Economics (Symposium), September 2010, vol. 38
Edited Volumes
Edition (with Joelle Toledano & Kalli Gianellos) of Governance and Regulation of Emerging Technologies, Cambridge University Press, Forthcoming 2026
Edition (with Jean-Michel Glachant & Jérôme Sgard) of The Oxford Handbook of Institutions of International Economic Governance and Market Regulation, Oxford University Press, 2023 (on-line), 2025 (in print)
Edition (with Jean-Michel Glachant) of Manufacturing Markets : Legal, Political and Economic Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, 2014
Edition (with Tom Dedeurwaerdere, Pierre-André Jouvet and Marc Willinger) of Governing Global Environmental Commons: Institutions, Markets, Social Preferences and Political Games, Oxford University Press, 2012
Edition (with Meryem Marzouki and Cécile Méadel) of Governance, Regulations, Powers on the Internet, Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Edition (with Tom Dedeurwaerdere and Bernd Siebenhüner) of Reflexive Governance for Global Public Goods, MIT Press, Politics, Science, and the Environment series, 2012.
Edition (with Jean-Michel Glachant) of New Institutional Economics : A Guidebook, Cambridge University Press, 2008.
Edition (with Nicolas Curien) de Internet and Digital Economics, Theories and Applications, Cambridge University Press, 2007
Edition of Linking Regions and Central Governments, Contracts for Regional Development, OCDE, Paris, 2007.
Edition (with J.-M. Glachant), The Economics of Contracts : Theories and Applications, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002
Chapters in edited volume
“Institutions of International Economic Governance: dynamics and challenges”, (with Jean-Michel Glachant) in E. Brousseau, J.-M., Glachant & J. Sgard (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Institutions of International Economic Governance and Market Regulation”, Oxford University Press, 2023 (forthcoming in print)
“A Bird’s-Eye View of the Institutions of International Economic Governance”, (with Jean-Michel Glachant) in E. Brousseau, J.-M., Glachant & J. Sgard (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Institutions of International Economic Governance and Market Regulation”, Oxford University Press, 2023 (forthcoming in print)
“The Role of Legitimacy in the Design and Competition between Institutions: the case of Internet Governance”, in E. Brousseau, J.-M., Glachant & J. Sgard (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Institutions of International Economic Governance and Market Regulation”, Oxford University Press, 2023 (forthcoming in print)
“Innovation and Cohesion Policies In The Context Of Global Competition: Towards A European “Venture Commons””, with Jean-Michel Dalle, in M. Ratto and I. P. Székely (eds) A New Era for Europe Volume II: Emerging challenges, Publication Office of the European Union , May 2023
”Coleman et les économistes : Quelle contribution à la théorie des institutions?”, in Marc Audebert, Fabien Blanchot, Eric Campoy, Pierre Maclouf (eds). Fonder l’Action Organisée, Editions EMS, Paris, 2021
“Tâtonnement in the manufacturing of markets”, (with Jean-Michel Glachant), in Eric Brousseau and Jean-Michel Glachant (eds), Manufacturing Markets : Legal, Political and Economic Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, 2014
“Manufacturing Markets: what it means and why it matters”, (with Jean-Michel Glachant), in Eric Brousseau and Jean-Michel Glachant (eds), Manufacturing Markets : Legal, Political and Economic Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, 2014
“Governance and Environment: Policy Challenges and Research Questions”, (with Tom Dedeurwaerdere, Pierre-André Jouvet and Marc Willinger), in Eric Brousseau , Tom Dedeurwaerdere , Pierre-André Jouvet and Marc Willinger (eds), Governing Global Environmental Commons: Institutions, Markets, Social Preferences and Political Games, Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012, pp. 349-369.
“Global Environmental Commons: Analytical and Political Challenges in Building Governance Mechanisms” (with Tom Dedeurwaerdere, Pierre-André Jouvet and Marc Willinger), in Eric Brousseau , Tom Dedeurwaerdere , Pierre-André Jouvet and Marc Willinger (eds), Governing Global Environmental Commons: Institutions, Markets, Social Preferences and Political Games, Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012, pp. 1-30.
“Internet Governance: Old Issues, New Framings, Uncertain Implications” (with Meryem Marzouki), in Eric Brousseau, Meryem Marzouki and Cécile Méadel (eds), Governance, Regulations, Powers on the Internet, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012, pp. 368-397.
“Regulating Networks in the “New Economy”: Organizing Coopetition to Share Information and Knowledge” (with Jean-Michel Glachant), in Eric Brousseau, Meryem Marzouki and Cécile Méadel (eds), Governance, Regulations, Powers on the Internet, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012, pp. 63-92.
“Governance, Networks and Digital Technologies: Societal, Political, and Organizational Innovations” (with Meryem Marzouki and Cécile Méadel), in Eric Brousseau , Meryem Marzouki and Cécile Méadel (eds), Governance, Regulations, Powers on the Internet, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012, pp. 3-37.
“Conclusion” (with Tom Dedeurwaerdere), in Reflexive Governance and Global Public Goods, in Eric Brousseau, Tom Dedeurwaerdere and Bernd Siebenhüner (eds.), Reflexive Governance and Global Public Goods, Cambridge : MIT Press, 2012, 315-320.
“Knowledge Matters: Institutional Frameworks to Govern the Provision of Global Public Goods” (with Tom Dedeurwaerdere and Bernd Siebenhüner), in Eric Brousseau, Tom Dedeurwaerdere and Bernd Siebenhüner (eds), Reflexive Governance and Global Public Goods, Cambridge: MIT Press, 2012, pp. 243-282
“The Challenge in Governing Global Public Goods” (with Tom Dedeurwaerdere), in Reflexive Governance and Global Public Goods, in Eric Brousseau, Tom Dedeurwaerdere and Bernd Siebenhüner (eds.), Reflexive Governance and Global Public Goods, Cambridge : MIT Press, 2012, pp. 19-36
“Introduction” (with Tom Dedeurwaerdere and Bernd Siebenhüner), in Reflexive Governance and Global Public Goods, in Eric Brousseau, Tom Dedeurwaerdere and Bernd Siebenhüner (eds.), Reflexive Governance and Global Public Goods, Cambridge : MIT Press, 2012, pp. 1-17
“Internet, un laboratoire institutionnel”, in Jean-Michel Saussois (ed.), Les Organisations, Etat des savoirs”, Editions Sciences Humaines, 2012
“Reflexive' Market Regulation: Cognitive cooperation in competitive information fora” (with Jean-Michel Glachant), in Olivier de Schutter and Jacques Lenoble (eds), Reflexive Governance: Redefining the Public Interest in a Pluralistic World, Oxford, Hart publishing, 2010, pp. 24-42
“Complementarities Among Governance Mechanisms: An Empirical and Theoretical Assessment of Cooperative Technology Agreements” (with Natalia Liarskaya and Carlos Muniz), in Rochelle Dreyfuss Diane L. Zimmerman (eds.), Working Within the Boundaries of Intellectual Property, Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010, pp. 229-267
“Contracting with Governments” (with Stéphane Saussier), in Jackson A. Nickerson and Brian S. Silverman (eds), The Economic Institutions of Strategy, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Advances in Strategic Management, Volume 26, 2009. pp. 487-521
“Assembling Platforms: Strategy and Competition” (with Thierry Pénard), in Gary Madden and Russel Cooper (eds), The Economics of Digital Markets, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2009, pp. 13-27.
Papers in progress
“The Dual Nature of Public Reactions to AI's rapid advancements” (with Jacqueline Lesoff & Luis Aranda), Working Paper, OECD, Jan. 2024
“Analyzing Public Opinion through Tweets; the case of AI” (with Jacqueline Lesoff & Bruno Chaves), Working Paper, Governance & Regulation Chair, University Paris Dauphine|PSL, Jan. 2024
“Political polarization dynamic during the covid-19 in developed countries” (with Juan Diego Luksic & Bruno Chaves), Working Paper, Governance & Regulation Chair, University Paris Dauphine|PSL, Dec 2023
“Compared dynamics of German and French regulatory governances” (with Jean-Yves Ollier), Working Paper, Governance & Regulation Chair, University Paris Dauphine|PSL, Sept 2023
“Parking Regulations to Harmonize Dockless E-scooters: An Empirical Analysis From Paris” (with Isac A. Olave Cruz & Nicolas Coulombel & Etienne Côme, Working Paper, Governance & Regulation Chair, University Paris Dauphine|PSL, Sept 2022
“Regulatory Governance and Decarbonization of the Energy Mix: the Impact of the Independence European National Regulatory Agencies in the 2010s” with Carlos Gonzalez-Regalado and Diego Cebreros), Working Paper, Governance & Regulation Chair, University Paris Dauphine|PSL, April 2022
“Comparative analysis of regulatory governance regimes in the OECD” (with Carlos Gonzalez-Regalado), Working Paper, Governance & Regulation Chair, University Paris Dauphine|PSL, September 2020
“Modernizing the Economy in the 18th Century France: The revealed policy of the ‘Bureau du Commerce’”, (with Antoine Cazals, Mohammad M. Habibpour, Jérome Sgard), Working Paper, Governance & Regulation Chair, University Paris Dauphine|PSL, Jannuary 2020
“May Weberian Bureaucracies be Instruments of Change in Non-Democratic Regimes? The case of the 18th Century French ‘Bureau du Commerce’”, (with Antoine Cazals, Mohammad M. Habibpour, Jérome Sgard), Working Paper, Governance & Regulation Chair, University Paris Dauphine|PSL, May 2020
“Dynamic Analysis of Archives Contents: the Case of the ISNIE/SIOE Intellectual History”, (with Bruno Chaves and Svitlana Galeshchuk), Working Paper, Governance Analytics, University Paris Dauphine|PSL, June 2019
Research Reports and Working Papers
“Encadrement Réglementaire et Concurrence dans le domaine des Assurances Santé Complémentaires: un système paradoxal”, (with Joëlle Toledano and Alexandre Volle) ,GovReg Note/Policy Paper, Governance & Regulation Chair, University Paris Dauphine|PSL, October 2021
“Quels défis pour les opérateurs de réseaux de distribution électrique dans une Union Européenne en mutation?”, GovReg Note/Policy Paper, Governance & Regulation Chair, University Paris Dauphine|PSL, June 2020
“Articulation entre régulation et autorégulation : Comment faire évoluer la régulation ?” GovReg Note/Policy Paper, Governance & Regulation Chair, University Paris Dauphine|PSL, June 2019
“L’évolution du périmètre de la régulation sectorielle : Quels déterminants ? Quelles modalités ?” GovReg Note/Policy Paper, Governance & Regulation Chair, University Paris Dauphine|PSL, December 2018
“L’Organisation Institutionnelle de la Régulation en France : Quel Positionnement et Quelles Règles pour les Autorités en charge de la Régulation Economique”, GovReg Note/Policy Paper, Governance & Regulation Chair, University Paris Dauphine|PSL, May 2017
“Contract as reference points: A new approach to contracting and its implication for relationships among levels of government”, published in OECD (2018), Rethinking Regional Development Policy-making, OECD Multi-level Governance Studies